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As a child, I grew up hearing the gospel. I even recited a prayer when I was seven because I thought it was what I was supposed to do. It was not until I was fourteen, at McCall RA Camp, that I truly repented of my sins and asked Jesus to be my Lord and savior. It was also at Camp McCall where I received my call into vocational ministry. It didn't take long, however, for me to forget about God's call and start pursuing my own desires. When I was fifteen I joined my local fire department and decided I wanted to pursue a career as a firefighter. As a student in high school I started taking night classes with the state fire academy and became a certified firefighter before graduating high school. During this time God was still dealing with me and calling me out. When I graduated from high school I worked at Camp McCall for two seasons and went on a mission trip with them to the mountains of Peru. Shortly after my second season at camp I was hired as a career firefighter at Liberty Fire Department and quickly forgot about my call to ministry. After several years of firefighting, the Lord began to convict me again. It wasn't until nearly ten years after receiving my call that I fully surrendered. I started North Greenville University on a part time basis. After more than a year of prayer, my wife and I decided it was time for me to take this call seriously and attend school full time. In August 2015, I resigned my position at the fire department and we moved to Wake Forest, NC to attend the College at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. In April of 2017 the Lord called me to Open Door Baptist Church in Walhalla, SC and he greatly blessed our ministry there. In January of 2019 I accepted the call to be the replant/revitalize pastor of Lawrenceville Baptist Chapel. I am currently leading them in the hard decisions we need to make to set the church up for success in the future. My desire is to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and go when and where He calls me to go
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